
The Love Heals The World blog is curated to share people’s thoughts on love and it’s healing powers. We also aim to share important content that highlights some of the challenges the world is facing and we believe that love has the power to heal those creating the challenges and those affected by them.

Divine Success Story: A Single Mother’s Transformation

Divine Success Story: A Single Mother’s Transformation

Sofi Mamo unveils a touching success story about an unhoused mother whose life took a U-turn, thanks in part to the Divine Project's support. This interview is your ticket to witness how kindness and support can change someone's world. Want to be a part of more...

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Divine Success Story: A Single Mother’s Transformation

Divine Success Story: A Single Mother’s Transformation

Sofi Mamo unveils a touching success story about an unhoused mother whose life took a U-turn, thanks in part to the Divine Project's support. This interview is your ticket to witness how kindness and support can change someone's world. Want to be a part of more...

Let Us Pray: Fentanyl Addicted Couple-Celeste and Sebastian

Let Us Pray: Fentanyl Addicted Couple-Celeste and Sebastian

Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Celeste and Sebastian, a fentanyl addicted couple in Los Angeles. Here's a link to a GoFundMe campaign to help some of the people seen in SWU interviews: For ad-free, uncensored videos and...

Spreading Love and Nourishment at Divine Project’s October Food Drive

Spreading Love and Nourishment at Divine Project’s October Food Drive

In a heartfelt day filled with generosity and compassion, the Divine Project food drive at A Divine H2O was nothing short of inspiring. With the mission to serve the community, we embarked on a journey from West Hollywood to Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles, armed with essential supplies and a deep commitment to make a difference.

Spreading Love and Kindness: The 10k Meals Across LA Food Drive

Spreading Love and Kindness: The 10k Meals Across LA Food Drive

Yesterday was a day filled with compassion, generosity, and community spirit as we joined hands with Afrikicks and the Hollywood and African Prestigious Awards to host the 10k Meals Across LA Food Drive. We embarked on a mission to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate, and we have some heartwarming pictures to share from our memorable day of service.