LHTW Original: Serge & Nadin Answer Questions About Love at SAS Studio’s NYE 2023 Grand Gala

Jan 30, 2023LHTW Originals0 comments

Please enjoy this original content we captured just for you in our LHTW Originals series which we curated to help spark conversations on the healing power of love.

Greetings, Healers!

We were fortunate enough to chat with the talented filmmakers, Serge and Nadin, at the recent SAS Films New Years Eve Grand Gala event in Los Angeles. As artists, they shared with us their views on co-creation and the role of art in bringing new life into the world.

They explained that they see art as a means of sharing love, something that is always free and cannot be paid for.

One of the highlights of our conversation was when the filmmakers expressed that sharing love through art is quite simple to them and they can’t imagine doing it any other way. It was clear from our interview that they have a strong passion for their work and a desire to make a positive impact through their films.

In conclusion, as Healers, we invite you to join us in sharing the healing power of love by sharing the content of this interview with others. Let us continue to spread love and positivity through art and co-creation.

Until next time, stay well and stay inspired!

Captured, edited and written by Dumisani Maraire Jr. for SuperVlogs.com

#lovehealstheworld #lhtw #nadintsarin #filmmaker #movies

Join us as we share the healing power of love.


Please spread the love by sharing this link and and if you have been moved in any way by this message please feel free to share in the comments. – #LHTW


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