
Vlogs We Love: Reincarnation and Christianity: What I Learned When Dead | | Near Death Experience

Jun 3, 2022Vlogs We Love0 comments

Paul was a mystic. Mystics are not infallible. The Bible is not infallible. I love Paul. But Paul was wrong. I know. I’m a mystic and therefore I too am fallible. I can only know in part and never know in Full. Just like you. Just like Paul. Hear me out by listening in and then telling me what you think in the comments. I have a story to tell about my other incarnations. This won’t be easy for some people to hear. It will confirm what many near-death experiences see. I saw I was shown, several of my incarnations. Hear me out. I love the mystical Paul. He’s wrong about this. Will this get me in trouble? 🤷🏼 Probably. 😂

Panagore Meditation Made Easy Series
1. https://youtu.be/DqmzfGp1BiQ
2. https://youtu.be/-_a9ZGFja4Y

On Judgment:
I Learned About Forgiveness Going Through Hell ❤️ 🔥 Not Church https://youtu.be/zwSBdUYqAh8
About My Trip To Hell What It Is ❤️🔥 Not Church

Want to talk with me? Suicide. Grief. Hope. Love. Near-death. Mysticism. Spirituality. Energy healing. Self-integration after NDE. Pastoral Counseling. Thirty-plus years of professional experience. https://www.peterpanagore.love/book-online

Subscribe at my channel: https://bit.ly/32qfepC

Not Church is growing into a community around YouTube chat and comments, and in-person during Mystical Tea Salon. Mysticism abhors institutionalization. Welcome. No dogma. No doctrine. No b.s. A Lens of Death Experience, Mysticism, Christianity, and Public Contemplation. God is LOVE.

Metaphor. Myth. Symbol. Journey. Ancient. Global. Always Now. Presence. Infinite Light. Jesus code-switching. Christ Consciousness. Trans-Religious Mystical Writings. Practice. Negative Theology. Death Experiencer 2x. Storyteller. Heaven is Beautiful. You are a ‘begotten’ child, too.

Weekdays Live: Centering Prayer Meditation Practice Series. “Where two or more are gathered, I Am there.” Mondays and Wednesdays Live at 8 AM ET

Please subscribe to my channel: https://bit.ly/32qfepC, then tap the bell to get alerts.

International Audible Best Seller: ‘Heaven Is Beautiful: How Dying Taught Me That Death Was Just The Beginning.’ https://amzn.to/35vxb7X.

Maine Best Seller: ‘Two Minutes for God: Quick Fixes for the Spirit.’ https://amzn.to/2FnsXEI

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Peace and Love be with you all. ~ Peter Panagore

Thumbnail from Prexel by Tim Mossholder

#notchurch #mystisicm #peterpanagore #neardeathexperience #mysticaljesus #ReincarnationandChristianity #globalmysticism



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