
Vlogs We Love: Near Death Experience I Hindu Man Dies & Faces Gate to Heaven & Hell – Ep. 28

Nov 3, 2022Vlogs We Love0 comments

Santosh (Sandy) was raised as a practicing Hindu in India. His father was a high ranking priest in their religion. Then he emigrated to the Western world and became successful. A sudden trauma killed Sandy, and in the next moment he found himself before a strange God at the gates of Heaven. He could not enter through those gates but instead found himself on a platform above what Sandy calls “The Lake of Fire.” What happens next may surprise you – it certainly surprised Sandy
#Hindu_Meets_Jesus, #Revelations_from_Heaven, #god , #viral_video

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A message from Love Heals The World:

– Hey Healers, we’ve created the Vlogs We Love category to celebrate some of our favorite YouTubers who are spreading the message of the healing power of love.

If you love what we love, spread the love by following their links to support their platforms and leave some love in the comments below. – #LHTW


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