
Vlogs We Love: @JeffMara Podcast My NDE interview with Jeff thing I forgot to tell #nde #inspiration #earthquake

Dec 2, 2022Vlogs We Love0 comments

@JeffMara Podcast
My unbelievable Surviving an earthquake in China agents all odds with NDE story as I tell in my interview.
My name is Maayan sebbag I’m from Israel and I was so excited to be interviewed by Jeff to his podcast chenille with my amazing story.

**This is the podcast-

New podcast-English version:
3 steps to alchemist your life story and our inner
voice and bring healing to your life
– part 1

Part 2 –

Part 3-

**check My Instagram chenille

**Instagram – mayan_rega_leneshima
‏Mail- mayanse@gmail.com**
**web site – www.mayanclinic.com

***If you want to invite my amazing story as a lecture with slideshow of all of my photos from the earthquake and it is possible- please reach out to me by email me to mayanse@gmail.com

*** meeting my Chinese angel with English subtitles

A message from Love Heals The World:

– Hey Healers, we’ve created the Vlogs We Love category to celebrate some of our favorite YouTubers who are spreading the message of the healing power of love.

If you love what we love, spread the love by following their links to support their platforms and leave some love in the comments below. – #LHTW


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