
Vlogs We Love: Anita Moorjani – A Near-Death Experience & Living Life Without Fear (The HEAL Podcast)

Oct 16, 2022Vlogs We Love0 comments

Listen to the FULL EPISODE of The HEAL Podcast with Anita Moorjani on…
Spotify – https://tinyurl.com/healpodcast-anitamoorjani2
Apple Podcasts – https://tinyurl.com/healpodcast-anitamoorjani

Watch the FULL EPISODE on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/317x3sPpIBM

Anita Moorjani is the New York Times best-selling author of Dying to Be Me and the poster child of possibility. After a 4-year battle with cancer, Anita went into a coma, her organs were shutting down and her body was no longer absorbing nutrition. The doctors told her family that she had mere hours to live. In those moments, Anita had a near death experience and realized with total clarity why she had gotten the cancer and after a conversation with the essence of her father, she woke up from her coma. Three weeks later the cancer was gone. When I heard Anita’s story I was fired up and finally ready to move forward and make HEAL. Anita is living proof that so much more is possible when it comes to healing and it is so deeply related to our consciousness and beliefs! Join us today as we get into more details around her near-death experience, discover what she learned as a result, and discuss her new book, Sensitive Is The New Strong. This episode is for anyone touched by cancer, anyone needing a large dose of hope, and for all the empaths out there who are looking for tools to help navigate this increasingly harsh world and step into their power and purpose.

The HEAL Podcast is a continuation of the HEAL documentary and HEAL book. Kelly Noonan Gores, a passionate seeker on a mission to find out the true extent of human potential and healing, continues the conversation by interviewing leading doctors, scientists, spiritual teachers, and healers around the globe. She also interviews real people with remarkable healing stories who have turned around supposedly incurable diseases. So much more is possible when it comes to healing than we are often told by mainstream, conventional medicine. HEAL will inspire you with hope and empower you with knowledge, tools, awareness, and a strong belief that almost anything is possible when it comes to healing. A most powerful and intelligent healer resides within us all and the HEAL Podcast will teach us how to activate this innate healer within.

Listen to all episodes of The HEAL Podcast now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/healpodcast-spotify
Apple: https://tinyurl.com/healpodcast-apple

See where you can watch HEAL Documentary now by going to: https://www.healdocumentary.com/purchase.html

Read The HEAL Book with double the content of the movie: https://www.healdocumentary.com/book.html

A message from Love Heals The World:

– Hey Healers, we’ve created the Vlogs We Love category to celebrate some of our favorite YouTubers who are spreading the message of the healing power of love.

If you love what we love, spread the love by following their links to support their platforms and leave some love in the comments below. – #LHTW


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