
Love Frequencies: 432hz Deep Brown Noise in HD Stereo ( 12 Hours )

Jun 25, 2022Love Frequencies0 comments

* No image this time so that even if your screen has to remain on it won’t be very bright ( by request )

Here is a long sample of high definition brown noise which I have then deepened and tuned to the 432hz frequency. Many claim that this frequency is more in line with our ears and effect us more strongly than the standard of 440hz. Let your ears be the judge on this relaxing pure deep noise. Please let me know in the comments below if it resonates with you more strongly than other ambient noise not tuned to 432hz.


A message from Love Heals The World:

– Hey Healers, as you enjoy this post from our Love Frequencies playlist join us in celebrating some of our favorite YouTubers who are spreading the message of the healing power of love.

If you love what we love, spread the love by following their links to support their platforms and leave some love in the comments below. – #LHTW


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