
Love Frequencies: 432 Hz Reiki Music For HEALING | Cleanse Negativity & Heal The Past | Emotional Healing

Jun 26, 2022Love Frequencies0 comments

432 Hz is known for its tremendous calming and healing effects. Welcome to this 432 Hz music for reiki healing to cleanse negative energy and release past programming and unconscious suffering, so that you can heal yourself and relax into a state of harmonic resonance, a safe space where you can heal and let go of past trauma and negative experiences. This is specifically designed to promote emotional well being.

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The eye-opening powers of healing and spiritual practices like meditation are undeniable. The proof is everywhere. Meditation can change your life and your perception of reality. You can literally harness power from within and destroy self-limiting beliefs and views that hold you back from living fully.


You have the ability to bend reality. You are a creator, you can manifest the reality you want to live with an abundance mindset.

This channel was created to inspire more people to get in touch with the power and love that lives within them, that lives within you. The nature and beauty that resides within need to be unchained, liberated, awakened. We do our best to inspire you to get in touch with that place within yourself.

Welcome to our channel. YOU are part of the Awakening Planet

In general, we really want to inspire you and to spread some positive energy, and help our world community let go of all their baggage and suffering, and accept that love is the way. If your life is hard right now, then today is your opportunity to make a conscious positive shift and plan your master plan on how to live life in resonance and harmony with nature, love, creation.

Share something you can be grateful for in the comment section,
we’d appreciate that a lot, everyone reading will be inspired on some level. 🙏💖

– The Awakening Planet


A message from Love Heals The World:

– Hey Healers, as you enjoy this post from our Love Frequencies playlist join us in celebrating some of our favorite YouTubers who are spreading the message of the healing power of love.

If you love what we love, spread the love by following their links to support their platforms and leave some love in the comments below. – #LHTW


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