
Let Us Pray: What's needed to end the famine in Tigray? | Inside Story

Oct 26, 2022Let Us Pray0 comments

It’s being called ‘the worst disaster on Earth’ and the situation in Ethiopia’s Tigray region is expected to worsen.
The UN says the nearly two-year conflict has left almost half the population in ‘severe’ need of food aid.
That’s despite a ceasefire in March, which allowed the delivery of aid to resume.
The UN has called for urgent action to avert further disaster in the war-torn region.
Tigrayan leaders are accused of refusing talks with the Ethiopian government.
So, is peace a condition to ending the humanitarian crisis?

Presenter: Laura Kyle

Sudd Hasen: a Tigrayan Activist
William Davison: Senior Ethiopia Analyst at International Crisis Group
Bizuneh Getachew Yimenu: Ethiopia Researcher and Lecturer at Kent University

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#News #Ethiopia #Famine #Tigray #InsideStory #UnitedNations #Peace #humanitariancrisis


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