Let Us Pray: Raleigh Mass Shooter Identified – Austin Thompson, 15, and his older brother James was a victim

Nov 16, 2022Let Us Pray0 comments

Wake County Public Schools sent a statement to families following the shooting, saying James Thompson was a junior at Knightdale High School. The statement did not mention Austin Thompson.
Full story: https://www.wral.com/off-duty-officer-among-several-people-shot-in-east-raleighs-hedingham-neighborhood-armed-person-still-at-large/20520757/

Patterson said the initial shooting occurred in the streets of the Hedingham neighborhood before the shooter ran onto The Neuse River Greenway, where more people were shot.

Police on Friday identified the police officer who died as Officer Gabriel Torres, 29, saying he was on his way to work at the time of the shooting. James Thompson and three adults identified as Nicole Conners, 52; Mary Marshall, 34, and Susan Karnatz, 49, died.

In addition to the five killed, two others were were injured. One of them was a Raleigh police officer, who was treated and released from the hospital. Marcielle Gardner, 59, was still at WakeMed on Friday in critical condition.

A man who lives in the neighborhood told WRAL News he saw the shooter outside the back window of his home after hearing gunshots. He saw a woman running in the same area.

“If this poor lady I saw that was jogging is hurt … I don’t know,” he described with emotion.

Raleigh police responded to a call of shots fired in the 6000 block of Osprey Cove Drive after 5 p.m. Thursday. Police searched door-to-door for hours in the Hedingham neighborhood and along the Neuse River trail before containing the teenage suspect around 9:30 p.m. in an area off Old Milburnie Road.

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