
Let Us Pray: Ethiopia on the brink of worst famine in decades

Dec 22, 2022Let Us Pray0 comments

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is not only creating a huge humanitarian crisis there, but it is putting severe strain on world food supplies.

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Now another huge humanitarian crisis is hitting the Horn of Africa, affecting 20 million people.

Jamal Osman has been to the Somali region of Ethiopia, where three consecutive failed rainy seasons have led to ruined harvests, the death of livestock and now extreme hunger – threatening the worst famine there in four decades.
Warning: this report contains distressing images.


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A message from Love Heals The World:

– Hey Healers, please join us today in praying for the world. We’ve created the Let Us Pray category to highlight some of the challenges the world is facing and we believe that love has the power to heal those creating the challenges and those affected by them.

Please spread the love by supporting the link and platforms in the post and if you have a public prayer for this particular topic share it in the comments below. – #LHTW


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