Welcome to The Primest and today’s video is about Egypt’s Nile Dam Problem With Ethiopia 2021 | Dam Wars. grand Ethiopian renaissance dam, Nile river, grand renaissance dam, Ethiopia’s Nile Dam that has Egypt ANGRY, Egypt, dam, megaproject, Nile, Egypt’s Dam Problem: The Geopolitics of the Nile, geopolitics, waterway, water politics, grand renaissance dam 2021,nile river dispute, water conflict, Egypt Ethiopia, Egypt Ethiopia conflict, Egypt Ethiopia dispute, Nile water conflict, Will Egypt attack Ethiopia?, blue Nile, sisi, Nile river dam dispute, water resources
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▶️ In today’s video, we’re going to introduce Egypt’s Nile Dam Problem With Ethiopia 2021 | Dam Wars
The Nile river is prominent; there has played an essential role in shaping lives and societies living there. It is the longest river in the world. The Blue Nile, White Nile, and Atbara. Among these three, the Blue Nile.
This river passes through Egypt, and the Nile River is the lifeblood of Egypt. Around 95% of the country’s population, the Nile, and around 90% of Egypt’s freshwater comes from this river. As the saying goes, “Egypt is the Nile, and the Nile is Egypt.” These 97 million people constituting 95 percent of Egypt’s population and the country’s economy, rely on the river irrigates’ farmlands. Four hydropower stations are also constructed along the river that contributes over 10% of its power production. From ancient times till this day now, most of its power and influence are linked to this waterway. For an extended period, ancient Egypt was one of the most influential and advanced civilizations on the planet.
At the height of Egypt’s reign, agriculture was directly linked to societal advancement. Every year in August and September, the river would flood over its banks, and around the time of October, it would recede, thus providing an excellent agricultural land. Now comes the upstream story, which is Sudan, benefitted similarly, and up to this day, much of the country’s population is situated in a narrow green zone along the Nile. With the passage of time and the projects done by the colonial powers and industrialists, including the dams and the most extensive irrigation system in Sudan, the river’s flow was affected and became less and less. Therefore, there was a dire need for treaties.
So, there were treaties of 1929 and 1959, giving Egypt rights to 66% of the river’s water flow and absolute veto to overpower upstream projects, which the country believes would affect the amount of water reaching them. Thus, the land of pharaohs and Sudan were the masters of the river in a certain way, even beyond their respective borders.
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, located in the northwest. The GERD will consist of two dams. The main dam will about 1.78 kilometres long with a height of around 160 meters. This main dam will include two spillways, one being in the centre and the other south. The second dam is situated 7 kilometres southwest of the main dam to mainly support the eventual reservoir.
Tensions between the two countries filling the reservoir are central to the dispute between them. The GERD reservoir is so massive that it could take up the entire Blue Nile in it, So, it could take around one and a half to fill up the entire reservoir if the Nile flow was to be stopped entirely for that period. The Ethiopian government wants the reservoir to be filled as soon as possible. However, they want it to be filled as slow as possible for Egypt, say it happens ideally in rain periods. This can seriously affect Egypt as there would be less water for agriculture and its hydropower stations. The Ethiopian government initially kept the project a secret, calling it “Project X,” and started the construction without the neighbouring countries’ consent.
Thus, Egypt opposed it and sourced the 1929 and 1959 Water agreements. These treaties are pretty outdated, though, and Ethiopia was not even a part of them. Ethiopia has tried to sign new deals with some southern Nile countries; however, Sudan and Egypt have refused, indicating the treaties’ rules. Destroy the dam while Ethiopia has been preparing and installing anti-aircraft batteries near the dam for its defence. Egypt left the negotiations saying Ethiopia was refusing to changes its terms. Ethiopia skipped the meeting that the US was siding with Egypt. Since then, no agreement has been reached. GERD has some benefits to Egypt and Sudan as it would help reduce the flooding and store the silt, which would prolong the lifespan of Egypt’s hydropower plants.
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