
Let Us Pray: Can Psychedelics Like LSD Help Treat Depression, Addiction?

Dec 25, 2022Let Us Pray0 comments

Psychedelics for Mental Health Treatment: micro dosing LSD, psilocybin like magic mushrooms have caught the fascination of not just researchers but also young professionals. But can they really help treat depression, PTSD and boost productivity?

00:00 Introduction
00:17 What is LSD
00:41 Therapeutic use of LSD
01:00 Title
1:12 Psychedelics to treat PTSD and depression: Evidence
2:14 Dangers of psychedelics
3:02 Micro-dosing regime
4:19 Trend of micro-dosing
4:42 Does micro-dosing work?

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– Hey Healers, please join us today in praying for the world. We’ve created the Let Us Pray category to highlight some of the challenges the world is facing and we believe that love has the power to heal those creating the challenges and those affected by them.

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