Eat To Live: You’re Eating Arsenic Laced Rice…Here’s How To Avoid It!

Jun 7, 2022Eat To Live0 comments

Depending on where your rice is from, what type it is, or how you cook it, it may have elevated levels of the heavy metal arsenic. Arsenic and heavy metals can be found naturally in the ground, but certain areas are more affected by pollution and modern farming. I would highly recommend only eating rice from low arsenic areas like California, and make sure to wash and rinse it well. Better yet, just opt for nutrient dense wild rice, which is vastly superior when it comes to macros and has zero heavy metals.

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A message from Love Heals The World:

– Hey Healers, the food you eat is your way of showing love to your body. We’ve created the Eat To Live playlist to highlight some of the challenges in the mainstream food supply and suggest healthy and tasty alternatives.

Please spread the love by supporting the link and platforms in the post and if you have a public prayer for this particular topic share it in the comments below. – #LHTW


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